Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 11, 14, 15, 18
December 11
Activity: Why do Brits talk about the weather?
p. 74  Task 1

Homework:  Finish Task 1

December 14
Vocabulary - Weather Quizlet:

Homework:  Unit 93 Relative Clauses

December 15
Unit 92 - Relative clauses

December 18
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 4, 7, 8
December 4

What is a conceptual question? 
Conceptual questions are questions that require a student to create an answer rather than  simply to recall something or to activate an algorithm. Conceptual questions are higher-order questions. They fall into the third of the three broad categories used to assess student knowledge.

p.72 How can weather affect our emotional state? (conceptual question)
p.73 Activity - Weather idioms

What is a  idiom? Aidiom is a phrase that has a different meaning that that of the words that make it up. The meaning of an idiom cannot be determined by looking up the meanings of the separate words.
p. 73 Task 1, Task 2

Homework:  Relative clauses (1) clauses with who/that/which

December 7
p. 74 Activity:  Why do Brits talk about the weather?
Homework:  Relative clauses (2) clauses with who/that/which

December 8 - National Holiday