Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 29, February 1, 2

January 29
What is weather?
What is climate?
1.  p. 80 Read the text.  Highlight any words that you don't understand.  Write these words in your vocabulary notebook and include the definition.

2.  Visit this website and read the text to find out why storms are given names: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/34581210

HOMEWORK:  Answer the following questions in your notebook:
If you could name a storm, what name would you choose?  Why ?
Are storms given names in Portugal?
Are storms given names in your country?

February 1
1.  p. 81  Activity:  Making sense of weather information
ATL  - Critical-thinking skills; interpret data
Read the instructions and complete the activity

February 2

1.  Read the image above (Fact or Opinion) and then take the quiz:

2.   p. 81 Activity:  Fact or opinion?
ATL:  Critical-thinking skills:  Evaluate evidence and arguments.

Watch the video and answer the questions in your notebook:

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 22, 25, 26

January 22
Weather in literature and art

Task 2
pp. 76-77 In groups create a mindmap of words . . .  (In pairs or groups of 3 please research French Impressionist paintings.  Seclect 1 and copy/paste it into a word document.  Next, create a mind map of words that you associate with the type of weather depicted in the paintings, and the emotions they evoke.)

January 25
1.  Abstract Nouns 

Concrete or abstract nouns exercise:  https://www.grammaropolis.com/quizzes.php

2 Get Creative

Activity:  Get creative!
Task 1   p. 78 Create your own abstract noun vocabulary list using the following prompts:
  • Words to show human qualities and characteristics
  • Words to show emotions and feelings.
 Task 2    pp. 78-79  The figure on p. 79 shws a fictional map of the city.  In pairs, look at the different places shown and give each one an abstract noun name, for example, The Park of Hope.

HOMEWORK:  Unit 73   The   (2)   School/the school

January 26 
1.  Review Homework

2.  Extension: Always Take The Weather With You
p. 79  Visit the website and listen carefully to the song Weather with You by Crowded House:

Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 15, 18, 19

January 15
1.  Review homework
2.  Finish SAD paragraph

Homework:  Unit 72  The

January 18, 19
SAD paragraph writing

Class Paragraph

            SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD is a mental health disorder which is caused by the change of seasons and lack of sunlight. Although this can be a problem at any time, most people experience SAD during the winter. SAD is more common in northern countries where the weather is mostly cloudy and the sun sets early. Symptoms include lack of energy, sleeping problems, anxiety and over reacting to situations, decreased cognitive function and depression. 9.7% of the world’s population is affected by this disorder. If people are not treated, the depression can result in suicide. Medication and light therapy can help combat SAD. If you experience any of these symptoms, please seek help.

Topic Sentence

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 8, 11, 12


January 8

1.  Task 2, p 74
What is a haiku poem?
Write 2 haiku poems.  Recite to class.

1. Unit 94 Relative clauses (defining and non-defining)

2. Did you know that some people are prone to feeling depressed when the weather changes?  This disorder is called SAD, which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder.´

To find out more visit the following websites:



January 11
Unit 94 - Relative clauses (4) extra information clauses.
Homework correction

Further explanation - British Council

Remember:   Another word for "Extra-information clause" is "Non-defining clause" 

Homework: Unit 70  Countable nouns with A, An, Some

January 12
1.  Write a paragraph about the disorder SAD. Remember you need a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

Homework: Unit 71 A/an and the

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 4, 5 (Welcome to 2018)


January 4
Discussion - What did I do on my winter break?

January 5
Review Task 1, p 74 Why do Brits talk about the weather?

People who completed homework:  Maria, Sara, Cosmé.

Homework:  Complete Task 1, p 74 Why do Brits talk about the weather?