Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, May 3, 4

 Homework this week:  10 Read Theory reading activities

April 30
1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  Yesterday, I wish I had...
Write in your notebook

2.  Articles:  a, an, the  
    Practice exercise:  Definite Articles

   Indefinite Articles

Homework for Thursday, May 3

May 3
1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  1 thing I feel proud about. . .  Explain, include details
Write in your notebook

2. Test prep: 
Watch and answer  -   Who is Sofie Dossi?
     1.  Which IB learner profile attributes would you choose to describe Sofie Dossi?  Justify your answer.
     2  How did you feel watching Sofie perform her skill?
     3.  Why do you think audiences react to her the way they do?
     4.  Did you like watching Sofie's performance?  Why?  Why not?
Research and answer 
      5.  How and when did Sofie start practising this activity?
      6.  What other skills do you think Sofie has had to work on to be successful?

 More Sofie . . . 

Homework for Friday, May 4
   Article or No Article

 1.  Criterion A -   Comprehending spoken and visual text.

Homework for Monday, May7
Vocabulary - Hiking/Trekking
Vocabulary in Conversation:
Vocabulary Follow-up:

May 7
1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  5 things I learned this week. . .
Write in your notebook
2.  Article Quiz

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 23, 26, 27

Image result for read theory
April 23
Review work from last week

April 26
Read Theory

April 27
Read Theory - set base line

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 16, 19, 20

Image result for battleships word game

Tomás, Felipe and Pedro cannot work together this week.

April 16
What hobbies are popular among middle school students? p. 35
1.  Read the text
2.  Activity: From a hobby to a business.  
     Work in pairs (or groups of 3)
     Watch the video and answer the questions.

April 19
Activity:  The Mr Men show  p. 36
Work in pairs (or groups of 3)

Task 1 - Follow ALL instructions to complete this task.
              Watch the video and follow all instructions p. 36
                Identify and list the hobbies mentioned in the video . . .
                Discuss these hobbies with a partner . . .
                Create a word cloud . . .

Task 2 - Follow ALL instructions to complete this task.  p. 36-37
              Conduct a questionnaire
              Design a mini questionnaire

April 20
Activity: Battleships
Work in pairs (or groups of 3)
Follow the instructions to play the game

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9, 12, 13

April 9 - Welcome back

In your notebook answer the following questions about the image of the plane below:
1.Where is this plane going?
2.Who is on the plane?
3.What is their purpose for this trip?
4.If you could go anywhere, where would you go and who would you go with?
Image result for airplane

Homework: Use the worksheet below to help you.
1.  What are your language goals for Term 3? 
2.  How will you accomplish them?

Set SMART goals

Developing a Specific Goal

SMART goals are:
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Relevant, Rigorous, Realistic, and Results Focused
T = Timely and Trackable

April 12, 13
1. Email writing worksheets
2. Activity:  What's on offer in your community
p. 34  Writing to inform:  Writing an email