November 12
Criterion C, D - Writing Assessment
November 14
p. 17 Activity: Celebrate a local person
1. In pairs, use the prompts to discuss and write down reasons why you think local people should be recognized.
2. In pairs, make a list of people for each category.
3. Discuss: What qualities does the person have?, Which quality do you admire most about the person?
4. Share with the class, the info about your chosen person. Reflect on what they have done for the community and who they are.
HOMEWORK: Write a poem about the person you have chosen
November 15
p. 22 Task 3: A child-led introduction to Hamburg, Germany
This video is not available to us due to our location.
1. What is this text about? (strand i)
2. Identify what type of text this is: (strand ii)
a blog
a video
a website
3. Identify the title of the text (strand ii)
4. How long is the text? (strand ii)
5. Who made the text? (strand ii)
6. What is the author's purpose of this text? (strand ii)
7. Look at this video, who is the audience? Justify your answer https://ed.ted.com/lessons/did-ancient-troy-really-exist-einav-zamir-dembin/review_open#question-1
8. Who is the audience for this video? Justify your answer https://youtu.be/KmF9JHaw_0o
9. How is Berlin similar to or different from Lisbon? (strand iii)
10. Based on this video would you want to live in Berlin? (strand iii)
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